Thursday, May 24, 2007

I have a host family

I'm staying with the Nakahashis. I had convinced myself that I would be staying with an elderly couple whose children had already moved out of the house. I was mistaken. The mom, Nakahashi Eriko San, has a husband, three children between 16 and 10, and a dog. I wonder if I'll have to use the honorific when I address the dog.


Kelly McLaughlin said...

Ha! I used honorific Korean to a dog in the alley next to my in-law's house back in the day. Some kids nearby fell on the ground dying of laughter. I was peeved for about half a second before I realized how silly I must have sounded. I couldn't even be angry in Korean, so I just smiled and slipped back in the house for some Advil or something...

Maruyama said...

Here are some command you can try to your neighbor's dog in Japanese:
"O-te" for "Shake (hands)", "Osuwari" for "Sit, "Nenasai" for "Lie down". Basically, you talk to a dog as you would to a little child.